Lawn and Garden Supplies

We have everything you need to keep your lawn and garden in pristine condition. When the weather starts to get warmer, our focus shifts to landscaping – green grass, vibrant flowers, garden – all of which take a variety of supplies to thrive. Regardless of whether you need fertilizer, mulch, sprinklers, pest control, fencing, tools or something else – we have it. Whether you’re just getting started with a new outdoor space, or are looking to stock up on the supplies you use year after year, our store is sure to have what you need – and we’re here to help make recommendations if you need them.
- helpful hints
Spread grass seed at 6lbs per 1,000 sq. ft.
Use Preen to help with weed control in gardens, mulch beds, and flower beds.
Perform a soil test to help keep your lawn balanced.
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- current promotions
- Fertilizers
- Scotts Lawn Products
- Lawn Pro Crabgrass Control
- Lawn Pro Fertilizer
- Lawn Pro Weed & Feed
- Green Thumb Lawn Care Products
- Crabgrass Control
- Fertilizer
- Weed and Feed
- Mausdale
- 10-10-10
- 5-10-10
- 15-10-15
- 15-15-15
- 10-20-20
- Epsoma Organic
- Plantone
- Hollytone
- Rosetone
- Tomatotone
- Bone Meal
- Blood Meal
- Milorganite
- Other Lawn Care
- Granular, Pelletized, and Hydrated Lime
- Mag-I-Cal
- Moss Out - both Granular and Liquid
- Preen
- Fencing
- Hardware cloth
- Chicken Wire
- Welded Wire
- Plastic or Snow Fence
- Fence Post
- Sizes range from 3' to 6'
- Regular Channel
- Heavy Duty Channel
- "T" Post
- Sign Post
- Sprayers
- Sizes range from 1 gallon up to 4 gallon
- Hudson
- Solo
- Green Thumb
- Parts for Hudson, Chapin and Solo Sprayers
- Pest and Disease (Fungicide) Sprays
- Sevin Products
- Malathion
- Triaicide
- Tree and Shrub
- Rose Care Products
- Dormant Oil
- Fruit Tree Spray
- Daconil
- Terro
- Hornet & Wasp
- Sawyer Products (Ticks)
- Grub Control
- Foggers & Dust
- Home Defense by Ortho
- Bug Stop by Spectracide
- Organic Sprays
- - Dipel
- - Captain Jack
- - Safer
- - Neem Oil
- - Copper Fungicide
- Traps
- Fruit Flies
- Japanese Beetles
- Stink Bug
- Spiders
- Pantry Pest
- Moth
- Whitefly
- Animal Control
- Repellents
- Liquid Fence
- Bonide Repellents
- Bat & Mice Magic
- Pest-A-Cator Sonic Repellent
- Traps and Poison
- Decon
- Tomcat
- Ramik
- Havahart
- Weed Control
- Round Up
- Ready to Use
- Concentrate
- Extended Control
- 365 Control
- Weed-B-Gone
- Tough Brush or Poison Ivy Control
- Ortho
- Bonide
- Round-up
- Trimec
- Granular
- Spray
- Kleen Up Pro
- Big-N-Tuff
- Ground Clear
- Barrier
- Small Hand Tools
- Shovels, Rakes, Picks, etc.
- True Temper
- Bully
- Razor Back
- Green Thumb
- Pruners and Loppers
- Felco
- Corona
- Fiskars
- Wheelbarrows
- True Temper
- Jackson
- Scenic Road
- Parts Available
- Spreaders
- Drop and Broadcast
- Scott’s
- Earthway
- Precision Products
- Lawn Mowers
- Trimmers
- Leaf Blowers
- Garden Hose
- Never Kink
- Farm & Ranch
- Industrial Rubber
- Sprinkler
- Soil Soaker
- Hose Repair Parts and Nozzles
- Sprinklers and Watering Cans
- Soils
- Top Soil
- Compost and Manure
- Garden Soil
- Potting Soils
- - Miracle Gro
- - Garden Magic
- - Green Thumb
- Mulch
- - Colored
- - Pine Bark
- - Nuggets
- Grass Seed
- 3 lbs. up to 50 lbs.
- Scott’s Brand
- Green Thumb
- Seedway
- Elery Nau’s Blend
- Athletic Field Products
- Turface MVP
- Turface Quick Dry
- Turface Mound Clay
- Field Marking Lime
- Stripping Paint